
Api for returning datasets

GET api/Data/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for returning data sets with paging using Range header


Provides methods to obtain a list of mailboxes for a user and to create, update and delete mailboxes

GET api/Mail?user={user}&address={address}&objectHandle={objectHandle}&serviceHandle={serviceHandle}&domHandle={domHandle}

Returns a list of mailboxes for the specified user with optional filters

POST api/Mail?user={user}

Create a new mail box

PUT api/Mail?user={user}

Update an existing mail box

DELETE api/Mail?user={user}

Delete a mail box

POST api/Mail/Verify?user={user}

Verify a user password

GET api/Mail/Config?user={user}&domain={domain}&domHandle={domHandle}

Return a mail config for a domain. Either the name or the handle must be supplied. If both are supplied the handle will be used.

GET api/Mail/Service/{handle}?user={user}

Return the mail service specified by handle

PUT api/Mail/Service/{handle}?user={user}

Update the autoRenew of a mail service

GET api/AutoResponder?user={user}&address={address}&objectHandle={objectHandle}&serviceHandle={serviceHandle}&domHandle={domHandle}

Returns a list of auto responders for the specified user with optional filters

GET api/Mail/{handle}/AutoResponder?user={user}

Returns the auto reponder for a given mail box

PUT api/Mail/{handle}/AutoResponder?user={user}

Insert or update the auto responder for a mail box

DELETE api/Mail/{handle}/AutoResponder?user={user}

Delete the auto responder for a mail box

GET api/Mail/{service_handle}/Contact?user={user}

Get contacts allocated to the mail service

PUT api/Mail/{service_handle}/Contact?user={user}

Update one or more of the mail service contacts


Methods for managing contacts

GET api/Contact?user={user}&firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname}&orgname={orgname}&mailaddress={mailaddress}

Return contacts that user has rights to

GET api/Contact/{handle}?user={user}

Return the contact specified by handle

POST api/Contact?user={user}

Create a contact

PUT api/Contact/{handle}?user={user}

Update the contact specified by handle

DELETE api/Contact/{handle}?user={user}

Delete the contact specified by handle

GET api/Contact/{handle}/Account?user={user}

Get the user account details of a contact

PUT api/Contact/{handle}/Account?user={user}

Update the account of a contact specified by handle. The account is created if it does not exist

DELETE api/Contact/{handle}/Account?user={user}

Delete the user account details for the specified contact


Api for managing zones

GET api/Zone?user={user}&name={name}

Get the zones belong to the user supplied or logged in user if no user supplied

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}?user={user}

Get zone with handle zone_handle

POST api/Zone?user={user}

Create a new zone, only takes a name in the body, domain must exist and have namebay primary ns.

PUT api/Zone/{zone_handle}?user={user}

Update ttl of zone

DELETE api/Zone/{zone_handle}?user={user}

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Contact?user={user}

Get contacts allocated to the zone object

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Redirection?user={user}&urlOrigin={urlOrigin}

Get redirects associated to the zone object

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Redirection/{handle}?user={user}

Get redirects associated to the zone object

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Redirection/{handle}/Hit?from={from}&to={to}&user={user}

Get hits associated to the redirection object

POST api/Zone/Redirection/Hit?user={user}

Get hits associated to a list of redirection handles

POST api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Redirection?user={user}

Create a new redirection on a zone

DELETE api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Redirection/{handle}?user={user}

Delete a redirection from a zone with the given redirection handle

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/RedirectService?user={user}

Return the redirect services for the zone

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/RedirectService/{handle}?user={user}

Return the redirect service defined by handle

PUT api/Zone/{zone_handle}/RedirectService/{handle}?user={user}

Update the autoRenew of a redirect service

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Record?user={user}

Get records for a zone

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Record/{id}?user={user}

Get a record for the supplied zone handle with supplied id

POST api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Record?user={user}

Create a new record on a zone

PUT api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Record/{id}?user={user}

Update a record belonging to a zone with the given record id

DELETE api/Zone/{zone_handle}/Record/{id}?user={user}

Delete a record from a zone with the given record id

GET api/Zone/{zone_handle}/DnsSec?user={user}

Get the dns sec status of a zone

POST api/Zone/{zone_handle}/DnsSec

Create dns sec for a zone that doesn't have one

POST api/Zone/{zone_handle}/DnsSec?user={user}

Create dns sec for a zone that doesn't have one

PUT api/Zone/{zone_handle}/DnsSec

Update the dsn sec status of a zone. Creates the dsn sec status if it does not exist

PUT api/Zone/{zone_handle}/DnsSec?user={user}

Update the dsn sec status of a zone. Creates the dsn sec status if it does not exist

POST api/Zone/Import?user={user}

Import a new zone

PUT api/Zone/Import/{zone_handle}?user={user}

Import to an existing zone - entire zone is replaced by supplied details


Methods for managing price groups

GET api/PriceGroup?user={user}

Return the price groups for the reseller

GET api/PriceGroup/{prixid}?user={user}

Return the price group specified by prixid

PUT api/PriceGroup/{prixid}?user={user}

Update a given price group

POST api/PriceGroup?user={user}

Create a new price group for the reseller

DELETE api/PriceGroup/{prixid}?user={user}

Delete a price group


Provides methods to obtain a list of products owned by a given user

GET api/OwnedProduct/{handle}?user={user}

Get an object and it's products using object handle

GET api/OwnedProduct?user={user}&object_class={object_class}&object_name={object_name}&status={status}

Get objects belonging to current user


Provides methods to manage domains and obtain the tld details

GET api/Domain?user={user}&name={name}&contact={contact}&contactType={contactType}

Return a list of domains using filters - either name or contact must be supplied

GET api/Domain/{handle}?user={user}

Return domain with given handle

PUT api/Domain/{handle}?user={user}

Update status (protect/unprotect), anonymouswhois, autorenew

GET api/Domain/Availability?domain={domain}

Determin if a domain is available

GET api/Domain/{domain}/Availability

Determin if a domain is available

POST api/Domain/Availability

Determin availability for a list of domains

GET api/Domain/TldDetails?domain={domain}

Get the details of the tld of this domain

GET api/Domain/{domain}/TldDetails

Get the details of the tld of this domain

GET api/Domain/{domain}/Whois

Return whois info for a domain

PUT api/Domain/{handle}/TransferUpdate?user={user}

Update a domain transfer ticket

GET api/Domain/{domain}/Restorable?user={user}

Get the restorable status of a domain

GET api/Domain/{domain}/Transferable?authcode={authcode}&user={user}

Get transferable status of a domain

GET api/Domain/{handle}/Authcode?cancel={cancel}&user={user}

Request authcode for a domain

GET api/Domain/{dom_handle}/Contact?user={user}

Get contacts allocated to the domain

PUT api/Domain/{handle}/Contact?user={user}

Update one or more of the domain contacts

GET api/Domain/{dom_handle}/NameServer?user={user}

Return a list of nameservers for a domain

PUT api/Domain/{handle}/NameServer?user={user}

Update entire list of nameservers

PUT api/Domain/{handle}/dsData?user={user}

Add/remove dsdata


Methods to allow automated certificate validation

GET api/Certificate/{handle}?user={user}

Get the details required to validate a certificate

GET api/Certificate?user={user}&commonName={commonName}&resellerHandle={resellerHandle}&adminHandle={adminHandle}&billingHandle={billingHandle}&dateFilter={dateFilter}

Get the details of all certificates with optional filters

PUT api/Certificate/{handle}?user={user}

Update the autoRenew of a certificate

GET api/Certificate/{handle}/csr?user={user}

Get the CSR of a certificate

GET api/Certificate/{handle}/Certificate?user={user}

Get the certicate once it is available

PUT api/Certificate/{handle}/Validate?user={user}

Method to validate a certificate once the Meta key is placed

POST api/Certificate/DecodeCSR

Decode a csr

GET api/Certificate/{handle}/Info?user={user}

Get the info for the certificate

POST api/Certificate/{handle}/ResendApproverEmail?user={user}

Resend the approver email

GET api/Certificate/{handle}/InfoGS?user={user}

No documentation available.


Methods for managing prices in price groups

GET api/Pricing/{prixid}?productActive={productActive}&produitTypeId={produitTypeId}&produitId={produitId}&user={user}

Returns price information for a given price group

PUT api/Pricing/{prixid}?user={user}

Update a price on a given price group

POST api/Pricing/{prixid}?user={user}

Insert a price on a given price group

PUT api/PricingBulk/{prixid}?user={user}

Update one or more prices on a given price group

POST api/PricingBulk/{prixid}?user={user}

Insert one or more prices on a given price group

DELETE api/Pricing/{prixid}?user={user}

Delete one or more prices from a price group


Provide various methods for managing a hosting service.

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}?user={user}

Return the hosting object specified by handle

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}

Update certain elements of the hosting specified by handle

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}?user={user}

Update certain elements of the hosting specified by handle Updatable elements:
Framework - api will attempt to find a single matching framework using the whatever properites have been supplied. The simplest way is to provide only the Id.
AdminContact - this can be changed to a different contact by supplying a handle. The new contact must exist and you need to have permision
BillingContact - this can be changed to a different contact by supplying a handle. The new contact must exist and you need to have permision

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User?user={user}

Get users for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User/{id}?user={user}

Get the user with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User

Create a new ftp user on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User?user={user}

Create a new ftp user on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User/{id}

Update an ftp user defined by id on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User/{id}?user={user}

Update an ftp user defined by id on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/User/{id}?user={user}

Delete an ftp user defined by id on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Alias?user={user}

Get aliases for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Alias/{id}?user={user}

Get the alias with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Alias

Create a new alias on the given hosting and belonging to the currently logged in user

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Alias?user={user}

Create a new alias on the given hosting and belonging to the given user

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Alias/{id}?user={user}

Delete an alias from the given hosting having the given id

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/AvailableFramework?user={user}

Return a list if frameworks avaialable for the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access?user={user}

Get secured directories for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access/{id}?user={user}

Get the secured directory with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access

Create a new secured directory on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access?user={user}

Create a new secured directory on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access/{id}

Update a secured directory defined by id on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access/{id}?user={user}

Update a secured directory defined by id on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Access/{id}?user={user}

Delete a secured directory defined by id on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db?user={user}

Get dbs for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db/{name}?user={user}

Get the db with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db

Create a new db on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db?user={user}

Create a db on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db/{name}

Update a db defined by name on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db/{name}?user={user}

Update a db defined by name on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Db/{name}?user={user}

Delete a database defined by name on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Application?user={user}

Get applications for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Application/{id}?user={user}

Get the application with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Application

Create a new application on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Application?user={user}

Create a new application on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Application/{id}?user={user}

Delete a application defined by name on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Size?user={user}

Get size info for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail?user={user}

Get emails for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail/{id}?user={user}

Get the mail with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail

Create a new email on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail?user={user}

Create a new email on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail/{id}

Update a mail defined by id on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail/{id}?user={user}

Update a mail defined by id on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Mail/{id}?user={user}

Delete a mail defined by name on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress?user={user}

Get wordpresses for a given hosting

GET api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress/{id}?user={user}

Get the wordpress with the given id on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress

Create wordpress on the given hosting

POST api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress?user={user}

Create a new wordpress on the given hosting

DELETE api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress/{id}?user={user}

Delete a wordpress defined by id on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress/{id}

Update a wordpress admin user email and or password defined by id on the given hosting

PUT api/Hosting/{hosting_handle}/Wordpress/{id}?user={user}

Update a wordpress admin user email and or password defined by id on the given hosting

GET api/Hosting/Product?user={user}&id={id}&name={name}&type={type}&active={active}&activepack={activepack}&enabledpack={enabledpack}&activeframework={activeframework}&activeframeworkserver={activeframeworkserver}&activedb={activedb}

Return the available hosting products

GET api/Hosting?user={user}

Return a list of hosting objects for the supplied user


Methods for tracking autorenewals

GET api/AutoRenew?user={user}&object_class={object_class}&object_handle={object_handle}&status={status}&latest={latest}

Return autorenews that user has rights to using filters supplied

GET api/AutoRenew/{id}?user={user}

Return autorenew specified by id

PUT api/AutoRenew/{id}?user={user}

Update the status of an auto renewal


Provides details of transactions

GET api/Transaction/{transactionId}?user={user}

Get an existing transaction by id

GET api/Transaction/{transactionId}/Ticket?user={user}

Return a list of tickets with object info associated with this transaction


Provides methods to create and manage a shopping cart (panier) Provides methods to add, update and remove items from the panier. Confirming items will create a transaction

GET api/Panier?ipaddress={ipaddress}&user={user}

Return the current panier for the given user

GET api/Panier/{id}?user={user}

Return a panier with the given id

POST api/Panier?user={user}

Create a new panier. Confirmed items will be used to create a transaction, unconfirmed items will be placed in a new panier.

PUT api/Panier/{id}

Update a panier with the given id. Confirmed items will be used to create a transaction, unconfirmed items will be placed in a new panier. All supplied items will be updated, new items (id empty) will be added. Any items that are not present in the posted panier will be untouched, to remove items from the panier use the delete method.

PUT api/Panier/{id}?user={user}

Update a panier with the given id. Confirmed items will be used to create a transaction, unconfirmed items will be placed in a new panier. All supplied items will be updated, new items (id empty) will be added. Any items that are not present in the posted panier will be untouched, to remove items from the panier use the delete method.

POST api/Panier/{panier}/Item

Create a new item on a panier

POST api/Panier/{panier}/Item?user={user}

Create a new item on a panier

PUT api/Panier/{panier}/Item/{id}

Update an existing item on a panier

PUT api/Panier/{panier}/Item/{id}?user={user}

Update an existing item on a panier

DELETE api/Panier/{panier}/Item/{id}?user={user}

Delete an item from it's panier

GET api/Panier/{panier}/Cleanup?user={user}

No documentation available.


Methods for reading and acknowledging messages

GET api/Poll?user={user}

Returns the next message in the queue

PUT api/Poll/{id}/Acknowledge?user={user}

Acknowledge a message - remove message from queue


Summary description for EditController

PUT api/Edit/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for object editing

POST api/Edit/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for object creation

PUT api/EditBulk/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for object editing

POST api/EditBulk/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for object creation

DELETE api/Edit/{name}?user={user}

Generic method for object deletion


GET api/NameServer/{id}?user={user}

Return details of a name server with id

GET api/NameServer?name={name}&user={user}

Retunr details of a name server with name

GET api/NameServer/{name}/Check?registry={registry}&user={user}

Check the availability of a name server on a registry

POST api/NameServer?user={user}

Register a name server

PUT api/NameServer/{id}?user={user}

Change the ip addresses of a name server

DELETE api/NameServer/{id}?user={user}

Delete a name server from all registries


Provides methods to obtain a list of available products with details including price and promotions specific to the supplied user

GET api/Product/{id}?user={user}

Get a product by id

GET api/Product?user={user}&type={type}&subtype={subtype}&tldname={tldname}&registry={registry}&country={country}&package={package}&trusteeproduct={trusteeproduct}&hastld={hastld}&active={active}

Get products that match the filters